Number of teachers and details (Page 1)
Teacher details (Joining dates) Page 2
Teacher list (combined page1+page2)
Total posts for teachers (full; 20)
Teachers; Type of recruitment
IQAC meeting (30.11.2021)
IQAC meeting (01.12.2021)
IQAC meeting (30.11.2021)
Poor Student Welfare Scheme report
Holiday list 2021-22
Student Satisfaction Survey (2021-22)
Academic Calendar 2021-22
Smart class and computer centre of the college
Library Footsteps 2021-22
Attainment of Programme outcomes
Attainment of Programme outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution.
             The attainment of programmes and course outcomes of the students are evaluated by the following measures:
1.      Direct Measures: The assessment consists of internal assessment (25 marks) and final semester examination of 75 marks in each subject or paper. There are various methodologies decided by the teachers as per program guidelines such as written tests, assignments, field visit record, presentations, practical and viva etc.
        i.           The external examiners set the semester question papers so that course outcomes can be tested as per the University guidelines.
      ii.           The University declares the results after final semester examinations. After declaration, the results of each course are analysed and discussed in departmental as well as in the staff council meeting. The teachers give their comments and suggestions for further improvements.
    iii.           The academic audit committee also evaluates the performance at regular intervals.
2.      Indirect Measures:
        i.           The engagement of students in various co-curricular and extracurricular activities such as internship, lab work.
      ii.           Our alumni and students who opted for higher education and employment also indicate the attainment of learning outcomes.